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Come meet me for:
Friday, April 29 • 2:30pm - 4:30pm
New to 2022's workshop, we will be offering an in-depth submission workshop. Whether your goal is to submit your work to literary journals and publishers or query an agent, this workshop will offer advice on how to publish your work.
From Flash to Fiction: Going Zero to 20,000 Words and Where to Stop
Saturday, April 30 • 11:00am - 12:00pm
Panel: When is one thousand words enough? When does a story demand more? When do you need to expand on your journey and create a longer work? Join our panel of flash fiction, short story, and novel-length authors to discuss when a story needs more and when a flash length might be just right.
Getting Past the First Page in the Slush Pile (Editor's Panel)
Sunday, May 1 • 9:00am - 10:00am
Kanwal: Are you collecting more rejections than acceptance letters? It's ok we all have our share of rejection letters. Most editors don't get past the first paragraph, some the first sentence. What is the secret to holding their interest and creating an unforgettable first page? Our panel of editors will share what they look for on that first page to keep them reading and possibly accept a piece and how you can make your first-page shine.